friend of mine on the Facebook group “outlaw preachers” asked
this question on the wall recently.
“I just read the following: "What would be the outcome in the Kingdom if all seminaries went bankrupt?" Thought it was a great question. What do you think would happen?”
I would like to interrupt my series on “the presence
of God in the present” to address this question. I think this is an interesting
question. Different believers will no doubt answer it differently. I have found
different groups that really have little if anything in common to agree that
seminaries are basically problematic.
Let me explain further what I am saying. I have
friends and acquaintances in very conservative Pentecostal churches who feel that
seminaries are spiritually dead, and believe that studying doctrinal issues is
essentially a waste of time. On the other extreme, I have friends who are
fairly liberal that believe that studying doctrinal issues is a waste of time.
Here is my take… seminaries are not the problem.
Dogma is the problem! You do not have to attend a seminary to be indoctrinated
with dogma. In fact, just the opposite is the case in most instances. Let’s
take a look at how dictionary.com defines dogma: 1. an official system of
principles or tenets concerning faith, morals, behavior, etc., as of a church. Synonyms:
doctrine, teachings, set of
beliefs, philosophy… 2. a specific tenet or doctrine
authoritatively laid down, as by a church: the dogma of the Assumption; the
recently defined dogma of papal infallibility. Synonyms: tenet, canon, law… 3. prescribed doctrine proclaimed as unquestionably
true by a particular group: the difficulty of resisting political dogma… 4. a settled or established opinion,
belief, or principle: the classic dogma of objectivity in scientific
observation. Synonyms: conviction, certainty.
Dogma is passed on in sermons, Sunday school classes
and seminars… by aunts, uncles, mothers,
fathers, sisters and brothers… It is interesting to me just how much dogma believers
know. It is passed on in all the categories of systematic theology. People are
continually schooled in the doctrine of Christ… doctrine of salvation… doctrine
of the Holy Spirit… doctrine of sin… doctrine of man and on and on. It is
drilled into the minds of people from the time they are youngsters in junior
church to the elderly in retirement homes.
It is something that people are encouraged not to
question. I can remember my relatives warning me that if I was go to a secular
university that I would have my faith shaken. What surprises me, is the amount
of people that are totally unaware of how much dogma affects the way they think
and believe. It is pervasive in the evangelical church. It is chalked up as
biblical training.
There is just one problem… people do not stop to
examine how they look at the biblical data. The dogma exists in the lens that
is used to read and understand the bible. People are certain that they are
reading it correctly… that they are bringing the correct presuppositions to the
reading. This all happens in spite of seminaries. This would continue if there
were no seminaries. Seminaries are not the problem. They could in fact be part
of the solution if people would examine their indoctrination to dogma.