Sunday, December 31, 2017

Redemptive Decrees: Messages that cannot be altered or they become simply untrue!

Romans 10:8-10 ESV "But what does it say? "The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart" (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim); (9) because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (10) For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved."

The Christian message is compromised. It is little wonder that there are so few people who actually believe the gospel. The world changing power of the gospel depends on people understanding the gospel correctly, and believing it. Current evangelical doctrine gets people close to a true gospel understanding, but what is the tired cliche? "Close but no cigar!" In the above passage, Paul states that the word of faith, (gospel) that they proclaim/preach is simply... confess with the mouth and believe with the heart. Notice what I have emboldened in the underline passage... you WILL be saved! There are NO other conditions!

This is just one of many redemptive decrees that if found conditional are merely untrue. There is a reason for this. The redemptive decrees have precedent. They are the driving force of the gospel. They are the catalyst for all that God has done in Christ. They are the engine that drives transformation. When one takes a redemptive view of scripture rather than a legal constitutional view, then the redemptive decrees promote peace with God and love for God.

The Old Covenant, also known as the Mosaic Covenant, was indeed a legal constitutional covenant. However, it was made null by Israel. Jeremiah makes it very clear: Jeremiah 31:32 ESV "not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant that they broke, though I was their husband, declares the LORD." The New Covenant is a covenant similar to the one that God made with Abraham. God alone made that covenant with Abraham and it was unconditional. You can find an account of that covenant in Genesis Chapter 15. Abraham made no promises in the covenant, it simply says in Genesis 15:6, that Abraham believed the Lord and it was counted to him as righteousness.

Now Paul tells us that the promised seed of Abraham was not many seeds, as of the entirety of the Children of Israel, but that it was but one seed (Galatians chapter 3.) That Seed was Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ. Abraham was but a type of the Seed. A type showing faith in God. Jesus, the Seed had perfect faith in the Father. His perfect faith, and him being the Seed of Abraham, sealed once and for all the covenant God made with Abraham.

The concept that has evangelical doctrine in error is continuing a legal constitutional reading of scripture. With a legal constitutional reading all of the scripture has equal weight. This is what allows it to seem that the redemptive decrees have various conditions and limitations attached to them. This makes doctrine/dogma appear to be schizophrenic. It keeps the saint in fear and on a working contract of sorts with God. It was never meant to be that way under the New Covenant. The New Covenant is not a conditional covenant based upon performance.

More specifically, it is the unconditional basis of the New Covenant that gives it the supernatural power to transform the lives of the believer. However, in order for people to be truly transformed, it takes groups of people actually believing the good news. In this case, the aspect of the good news that must be believed is the lack of conditions with the New Covenant. Jesus perfect faith made us right with the Father once for all! That is a further example of a redemptive decree. Hebrews 10:14-17 HCSB "For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are sanctified. (15) The Holy Spirit also testifies to us about this. For after He says: (16) This is the covenant I will make with them after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws on their hearts and write them on their minds, (17) He adds: I will never again remember their sins and their lawless acts." This forms the foundation of the transforming power of the gospel. These are again, unconditional redemptive decrees and IF there are conditions attached they merely become untrue. However, if believed, they produce real love for God that is the source of transformation.

That is why it is so sad that so many pastors and evangelical leaders continue to insist on the lie that there are conditions to the redemptive work of Jesus. They really do stop the effectual aspect of the gospel. Most do it in ignorance and fear, but in spite of their motivation the result is nevertheless just as destructive. I wish these leaders would repent and teach the truth. The false gospel that stops short of unconditional was incorporated to control people. It was installed to give power to leaders, mostly for gaining wealth, but the result is cult-like control. The gross error of current evangelical doctrine is made obvious with most of the posts on this blog. It is time for a change.

If the saints actually really were taught a redemptive reading of scripture. If they rightly rejected the legal constitutional reading of scripture. Then, the many pages of reasonable service instructions could be read, viewed, and allowed to inform people on what to strive for in view of their status of righteousness by Christ. They could have their proper place in helping the saint understand what loving God looks like in practice. Shame on those that continue to lead and reinforce the error in ignorance. But many are not ignorant. They know the truth of the gospel and are just afraid they will lose control over the flock.

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