Thursday, May 10, 2018

A thorn in the flesh verses sufficient grace!

2Co 12:7-10  Because of the surpassing greatness and extraordinary nature of the revelations [which I received from God], for this reason, to keep me from thinking of myself as important, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan, to torment and harass me--to keep me from exalting myself! [Job_2:6]  (8)  Concerning this I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might leave me;  (9)  but He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you [My lovingkindness and My mercy are more than enough--always available--regardless of the situation]; for [My] power is being perfected [and is completed and shows itself most effectively] in [your] weakness." Therefore, I will all the more gladly boast in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ [may completely enfold me and] may dwell in me.  (10)  So I am well pleased with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, and with difficulties, for the sake of Christ; for when I am weak [in human strength], then I am strong [truly able, truly powerful, truly drawing from God's strength].

Without Paul, Christianity would be very different. It is easy to say that he received more revelation knowledge than any other New Testament author. Without him we would not know about the one new creation. Without him we would not understand imputed righteousness, and the righteousness of God. Without him we would not understand that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself. In short, without him we would not understand the gospel of God's grace!

With that in mind, read the above passage from second Corinthians. I used the Amplified version because I wanted to make sure the point was driven home. Third heaven revelation could cause one to be puffed up and proud. Certainly, if any first century saint would have a reason to be proud it would be Paul. But, he says that he was given a thorn in the flesh for that very reason. I think it is on purpose that we are not told what the thorn was. That is left to our imagining. This allows us to understand that whatever thorn we have been given, God's grace in the gospel of Christ is more than sufficient. 

Have you received third heaven revelation? If you have... I can guarantee that you have been given a thorn in the flesh. I don't know what that is but you do. What I want you to understand is that Paul shared this so that you too can believe that God's grace is sufficient for you. The definition for sufficient is adequate for the purpose, enough. Whatever the thorn, God's grace is enough to get you through. However much grace you need... that is the amount that is sufficient!

So many modern day prophet's, pastors, apostles, and evangelists seem to take pride in their ability to control the flesh. They want you to believe that they are better. If this is the case, be weary of the revelation! Let me repeat what I wrote above... THIRD HEAVEN REVELATION IS ACCOMPANIED BY A THORN IN THE FLESH! There is a good reason for this. It is to keep pride out of the equation.

The gospel of God's grace is sufficient for our every need. It is the thing that we should focus our attention on at all times. It is the source of our love for God. It is the source of our transformation. It is the source of our ability to love our neighbor as our-self.

Yes, I think there is "third heaven revelation" going forth in our time. Just remember as the accuser of the brethren tries to discourage you, tries to tell you you ain't all that... God's grace is sufficient and you need that thorn to keep humble!

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