Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Why the gospel is important in the transformation process

Rom 8:6  "For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace,"

A very misunderstood passage of Romans 8 is this; Rom 8:4  "so that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit." The question arises. What does it mean to walk according to the Spirit? If you poll most evangelical pastors and teachers, they no doubt will tell you that walking according to the spirit, is trying your best, with the aid of the indwelling Holy Spirit, to live and obey the law. This again is an error.

Let's examine the first clause of Romans eight verse six; "for the mind set on the flesh is death." Paul goes on a little farther in this passage and states that the mind set on the flesh is at enmity with God, and that it can in NO WAY please God. Think about what this means. If I have my mind on the flesh to sin, or if I have my mind on the flesh for not sinning and for obedience sake, nevertheless, the mind is still on the flesh. This is precisely why Paul states that the law kills but the Spirit gives life. Reformation, with or without the Holy Spirit is a fleshly pursuit. The law focuses on controlling the flesh.

The contrasting clause,  "but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace," tells what setting the mind on the Spirit means. The mind set on the Spirit is the mind set on the gospel of grace. The reason I know this is that Paul said in Romans 5:1 "having been justified by faith we have peace with God." The thing that brings peace is the gospel of grace. It is the only way one can be at peace with God. Likewise, the mind set on the Spirit is the mind set on the gospel. It is peace with God that the Holy Spirit uses to transform through love. This is precisely how faith works through love. Our faith works through the love of the Father producing in us supernatural love for the Father. This is the action of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

However, this can only work when one is completely free from the law for righteousness purposes. This eliminates the possibility of living the law by the aid of the Spirit. Do not misunderstand me. I am not advocating disregarding the law of God. I, like the Apostle Paul am opposed to using the law for righteousness. Paul said emphatically that Christ was the end of the law for righteousness. This forces one to get their righteousness from faith in Christ. This becomes the focal point of the importance of the gospel in the transformation process. Let me state the gospel clearly here: God, was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, and he made Christ, the one who knew now sin to be made sin for the world, that in turn, we all might become the righteousness of God in Him. This brings peace with God, and in addition brings genuine love for God.

Now then, when one is resting completely in the gospel, completely relying on, trusting in, and adhering to the gospel of grace they then can use the law to inform them the content of the heart of God and can out of love begin to be more loving which is synonymous with law abiding. However, the minute the law is used to determine ones right standing with God, it becomes an instrument of spiritual death. This is precisely why Paul stated that the law brings death but the Spirit brings life. It is why he referred to the law (old covenant fashion) as the ministry of death. A proper understanding of the law should kill any hope in righteousness outside of faith in Christ. It should become apparent that no one is justified by the works or deeds of the law. Rather, one must completely trust in, rely on, and adhere to justification simply by God's declaration.

Let me reiterate: Having the mind set on the Spirit is having the mind set on the gospel of grace. This is precisely the reason that Paul advocated preaching the gospel over and over and over. One can never hear too much gospel. It is impossible. I don't care how seasoned the saint is. The meat is the gospel. The fact is that there are many levels in understanding the gospel, and to be completely convinced that we are made righteous because of God's declaration, and not our actions is ultimate maturity. This is precisely why Paul said that he determined to know nothing among the Corinthian believers save Jesus Christ, crucified.

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