Friday, February 28, 2020

A New Humanity Part 3; How the transforming gospel transforms

He has abolished the law with its commandments and ordinances, that he might create in himself one new humanity in place of the two, thus making peace, ~ Ephesians 2:15 NRSV
2Co 5:17-21 NRSV  "So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!  (18)  All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation;  (19)  that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us.  (20)  So we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us; we entreat you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.  (21)  For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."

In the last post in this series, we discussed the possibility of this being the dawning of the age of the new humanity. In many of Paul's epistles he made reference to a new creation that was the direct result of the gospel of God's grace. The gospel was transformative in the first century. It greatly transformed individuals and the communities they chose to participate in. The transformation was so great, and so disruptive to the norm, that some who witnessed it said that it had turned their world upside down. Those who made this accusation were religious people. They were Jewish followers of God, but to them, the gospel had turned their world topsy-turvy. It was uncomfortable. So much so that they were trying to catch and incarcerate those who they deemed guilty of this transforming power.

What was this gospel that transformed? How did it operate. How did it function to facilitate such remarkable change? The three questions above are very important. Quite frankly, I do not think that Christian doctrine and dogma have properly answered those questions and it is precisely why the new humanity has been stunted in its growth. If you look at the previous three ages that I addressed in the previous post there seems to be purpose in the way in which they unfolded. It was to bring humanity to the end of its self-effort to improve through religious practice. Humans with the disease brought on with the knowledge of good and evil, (Paul referred to it as the wisdom of the world,) do not have the ability to love/agape-style.

Love/agape-style is the transforming agent that is supernaturally created by the Holy Spirit in connection with belief in the gospel message as I believe the first century saints were taught to understand it. It was their understanding of the gospel message that the Holy Spirit used to supernaturally transform individuals and communities in such a radical way that it threatened the status quo of religion and religious practice.

What was the content of this gospel? It was unlimited, undeserved, magnanimous grace. Yes it was GRACE! In order for this grace to transform, they had to be totally convinced that the Law with its commandments and ordinances was abolished.This flies in the face of conventional wisdom. remember however that it is written, there is a way which seems right unto humanity but the end thereof is death. Unlimited, unrestrained grace just doesn't seem right to humanity. Law and religious practice seems right. But Paul told his followers that the cross of Christ overcame the wisdom of the world and while it seemed foolish to religious adherents and philosophers it was indeed the wisdom of God!

Therefore, the transforming agent is grace. Once a person realizes that God has declared them good they cannot help but love God agape-style. Interestingly enough, God declared humanity very good in Genesis 1:31 but through the three previous ages, not many believed it. So then, until one accepts/apprehends the notion that they are righteous no matter what....  no matter what in the eyes of God they can only fear. However, once the fear is set aside by complete faith in grace, they then can begin to love agape-style. This is the reason that so many early saints were willing to die for their faith. They believed the gospel of grace.

What will create a new humanity in this age? The answer quite simply is the gospel of God's unlimited grace. It must be rehearsed over and over. It is not merely an entry point into a religious experience. It is not even an entry point into a religion with laws and ordinances. It is the entry point into a 24-7 relationship with the loving creator of the universe. It is a reality that presence is always in force. One is never out of the presence of the loving creator no matter what. One can be unaware of presence but that does not negate it.

Therefore, community where the gospel of grace is rehearsed and proclaimed over and over and often is the petri dish for developing this transformation. There is no such thing as a saint so seasoned that they do not need to be reminded daily of the gospel of grace. It is in this awareness that the love agape-style of the saint grows from faith to faith. This is the condition that turned the world upside down and is available to us right now to see the manifestation of a truly new humanity!

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