Monday, February 24, 2020

A New Humanity Part 2; The Fourth Age

Eph 2:15 NRSV  "He has abolished the law with its commandments and ordinances, that he might create in himself one new humanity in place of the two, thus making peace,"

In a previous post in this series, I asked the question, "what if it was always the purpose of the pristine gospel to bring about a new humanity?" We just began a new millennium. Oh, I know that was twenty years ago, but in relation to a period of one thousand years it is only the beginning, and if, one views it as the beginning of a two thousand year "age," then it is truly just the beginning. Mathematically speaking it is merely 1% of the age. Why a two thousand year age you ask? Well, I am very glad you asked.

If one looks at the history of the biblical record, I like to think of it as the history of the redemptive narrative, or the history of the story of redemption Then one can see that there is a major shift every two thousand years. From Adam to Abraham was two thousand years. From Abraham to Christ Jesus was two thousand years, and twenty years ago we had yet another two thousand year age begin.

God declared in Genesis 1:31 that his creation was very good. When light was created God said it was good. When the heavens were created God said it was good. This went on throughout the first five days of creation (if you see the days of creation that as a metaphor, frankly I am inclined to agree with you) but either way in creating humans on the sixth day God said it was VERY good. This establishes the fact that God is gracious and benevolent. Based on Genesis 1:31 it is reasonable to conclude that no one need be afraid of God.  Even in the narrative of our first parent's sin there is no reason for them to be afraid of God. Didn't he clothe them? Didn't he make it so that they would not have to live forever in the state of fear by shutting them out from the tree of life?

So let's examine the three ages prior to the one that just began in 2000 AD/CE. The first of the three ages, from Adam to Abraham can properly be called the human age. The second age from Adam to Christ can properly be called the Old Covenant or the Jewish age. The third age from Christ to 2000 AD/CE can properly be called the Church age. This new age, that began in 2000 AD/CE I will call the New Humanity age, the New Jerusalem age, the New Heaven and Earth age. Further this is likely not the last age to come. Paul clearly states in Ephesians 2:7 that there will be ages (plural) to come.

Eph 2:7 NRSV  so that in the ages to come he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.

1Jn 3:2 NRSV  Beloved, we are God's children now; what we will be has not yet been revealed. What we do know is this: when he is revealed, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is.

The two verses posited above certainly point to the possibility of a NEW HUMANITY in the ages to come. So let's look at the possible reasons for several ages with humanity becoming ever increasingly humane. Go back to Genesis 1:31. By decree of God, humanity was declared good. Yet, with the onset of the knowledge of good and evil, humanity lost the innocence of child-like faith. Humanity entered it's adolescent and adult stages.

So from Adam to Abraham, only a select few on an extremely limited basis would believe that God was gracious and loving. Humanity failed to see God's goodness. From Abraham to Christ, there were more people who believed that God was gracious and loving but still as a whole Israel did not understand the graciousness of God. Then Jesus came on the scene. Showed us the loving parent aspect of God's attitude toward humanity, and still most of the church, the saved saints did not understand the graciousness of a loving God. However, in that age, the gospel of grace was introduced if only for a short span before it was tainted. Now in this latest of ages, that we are just beginning, humanity can recover the universal gospel of peace, the true ministry of reconciliation and begin to progress toward one new humanity.

You can read part one here: A New Humanity

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